Retreats & Events

in partnership with
Wellspring Coaching & Transformation
Ellicottville, NY - Fall 2025
Join us for an intimate and transformative retreat designed to rekindle the passion and strengthen the bond in your relationship. Cultivate self-love and devotion to your partner through powerful practices that deepen emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical connection.
Reconnect on a profound level, reignite intimacy, and explore new ways to trust, communicate, and create lasting change. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner, and a renewed sense of devotion, ready to face the future together with strength and vitality.
Full details coming soon. Stay tuned for updates and be the first to be notified by entering your information below!
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EVENTS: Death Cafe

Do you have questions about death but are too afraid to voice them? Worried you will be labeled weird, morbid or 'a downer'? Let's normalize conversations around death and dying. After all, talking about it won't kill you!
I facilitate an in-person session at the Santa Cruz Public Library on the first Saturday of every month. To register for this free event, please visit the SCPL Events Calendar (link below).
Death Cafe offers a safe and confidential space to explore questions and feelings around aging, death and loss. It is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than grief support or counseling session. Death Cafes were founded in 2004 by Jon Underwood from the United Kingdom and since then have been held in over 85 countries. To learn more about Death Cafes and to find one near you, please visit www.deathcafe.com (link below). #deathpositive #letstalkaboutdeath #deathcafe #taboo #questions #deathisnatural #lifeanddeath #santacruzpubliclibraries #santacruz